How Much Is A Life Worth?
RFAA Fund (Restoring Families Across America) is a 501c3 making a national appeal to foundations, municipalities, organizations, churches, professional athletes, artists, corporations, attorneys, insurance companies, and YOU to assist in bringing America together.
The Value of a Life Conference is a ten-day historical event held in Texas in 2020. It is the only platform that brings all sides to the table with hard and uncomfortable questions about the broken hearts when a loved one is killed. America has been facing some of its darkest days in the last 40 years related to race relations and public distrust of Law Enforcement, which have led to unnecessary loss of life. Circumstances that have brought us to this point include mass incarceration, shootings of unarmed black men by police, and ambush killings of police officers. These circumstances have resulted in fathers and mothers not being active in their children's lives. We are seeking 200 Law Enforcement Agency sponsors and 700 bus sponsors.
By sponsoring 200 agencies, it provides us the opportunity to address this national issue and protect public safety. Our goal is to have law enforcement from all corners of America attend the Value of a Life Conference regardless of budget restrictions. Many of America's law enforcement agencies face difficulties hiring new officers based on the current discontent between citizens and police. A $2,419.96 sponsorship will support the attendance of two recruiting officers, and they will receive the following:
Round Trip Travel
Four nights of lodging
1 Table and Two Chairs for the Law Enforcement Veteran and Diversity Career Fair
Per Diem
Access to conference activities
The 700 buses will transport those affected or most likely affected by these deaths to the Conference. The buses will travel from all parts of the country with the Conference participants. Your sponsorship will assist in Saving Lives and Ending Generations of Hopelessness. The bus trip is an essential part of the solution as it will allow:
Individuals to share their stories with others who have similar experiences.
Data collection during the trip.
The Value of A Life Conference is to have individuals from all parts of the country.
Participants of the Conference to take a new perspective back to their community.
By sponsoring a bus, you or your brand will be assisting in bringing those who have been, or are most likely to be, affected by senseless violence in the future to Irving. The cost to sponsor a bus covers round-trip travel, hotel accommodations, food, and activities for 50 people.
Benefits for each agency or bus sponsor are:
Your sponsorship is tax-deductible based on 501C3 guidelines.
Your brand will be strategically placed throughout the Conference.
You will receive tickets to Conference events.
Your brand will be featured on your bus, the RFAA Fund, and the Value of A Life Conference websites.
Your brand will be displayed on the Value Of A Life Supporters Wall.
Your sponsorship will assist in saving lives and rebuilding trust between citizens and law enforcement.